Activate your sponsorship

The sponsorship signals

Social responsibility

It strengthens the company's image to show community spirit in areas such as human rights, climate & environment and critically ill children.

Respect and recognition

The sponsorship creates respect and recognition among customers and suppliers and at the same time gives a sense of pride among employees.

This is how you can activate the sponsorship in your own communication

"We support Team Rynkeby" banner

Download the sponsor banner and use it in email signatures or paste it on your website, for example in the footer. It is an easy way to make the sponsorship of Team Rynkeby and the Childhood Cancer Foundation visible.

Graphic elements

Download graphic material here, which you can use in your own marketing, including Team Rynkeby's logo.

Press photos

You are welcome to use our press photos in your marketing. We have put together a well-grown gallery of beautiful images of enthusiasts in action.

Facebook, Instagram & LinkedIn

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is very suitable for social media, but it can be a good idea to divide the message into several parts, so you get maximum focus. You can involve your followers in the collection for Team Rynkeby and encourage them to donate an amount to Team Rynkeby's local MobilePay number. Get inspiration for a post on social media here.

Professional CSR-film

In collaboration with Team Rynkeby's video journalist, Asger Jørgensen, you have the opportunity to produce a professional CSR film, where you can tell why you support the Childhood Cancer Foundation through the Team Rynkeby project. The price is DKK 7,500 excl. VAT and possibly transport from Copenhagen.

News, press release or newsletter

Get inspired to write a news story about your support for Team Rynkeby in this example of a press release. If you need further input about the project, you can contact Santiago Garcia-Escobar.

Internal communication

Also remember your internal communication platforms such as info screens / welcome screens and printed material. Regardless of the size of the sponsorship, it gives pride to be a part of something big.
