Frequently asked questions


The cycle trip to Paris will take place this year from July 5 - 12 2025.

You can participate as either a rider or service person. You can read more about that here]. For both parts, you must fill in an application form, which you can find right here [here].

It is important to us that all participants have a good experience. This means that we may have to say no to applicants, simply because we cannot keep up with the logistics – ensuring that bikes and clothing are produced in proper quality, delivered on time, that there is accommodation down through Europe and by a reasonable standard etc. You can read our selection criteria [here].

Should your application be rejected, you are still more than welcome to apply for the next season.

We attach great importance to all participants being dedicated and passionate about the cause. It is therefore an advantage if you can tell why you want to join. It is also an advantage if you tell us what you can contribute. Maybe you are a seasoned exercise cyclist, maybe you know of an exciting sponsor, maybe you are good at repairing bikes, writing blogs or making videos or something completely different.

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No. The team captains put together the team they think is best based on the people who have applied and - to the extent possible - after having equal representation in terms of gender, age and occupation.

Each application is assessed individually, so we cannot guarantee that you can join together.

To participate in Team Rynkeby, you must be 18 years old - on the other hand, we do not have an upper age limit.

We aim for you to be notified within a week of the application deadline.

All participants on Team Rynkeby undertake to make an effort to collect money for children with critical illnesses. Some participants have easy access to companies that want to become sponsors - others have a little more difficulty. That's why we don't put any amount on how much the individual participant must contribute - we just want everyone to make an effort.

You can see the complete team overview [here].

Don't hesitate to apply if there isn't a team in your local area. Contact the national country manager to find out more about your options

Every time Team Rynkeby expands and starts new teams, it is done on the initiative of local forces. Therefore, it is also not inconceivable that you can help start a Team Rynkeby team in your local area. Contact the respective country manager in Team Rynkeby to discuss the options.

Establish your own Team Rynkeby company team and manage your CSR work. With a company team, you show that you are based on the same values as Team Rynkeby, with the mantra of doing something good for others, doing something good for yourself and doing it in a committed community. The matter is the same, namely to raise money for critically ill children and their families. A Team Rynkeby company team gives you discretion over the composition of the team to invite your employees and business contacts. An obvious opportunity to focus on team building, employee culture, health and charity.

Contact a country manager in Team Rynkeby to discuss the possibilities.

We recommend that you have cycled approximately 2,500 km – or approximately 125 hours during the 10 months before the Tour de Paris, in order to achieve the necessary form to participate all the way.


All participants ride [the official Team Rynkeby bike]. The bike is part of the package that you buy when you sign up for Team Rynkeby, and of course you can keep the bike afterwards. If you have a bicycle from previous years' participation, you can easily use it.

If you have never ridden a bike before, you will find that there will be additional expenses in addition to the participation fee. Among other things, you will need cycling shoes, cycling glasses and possibly some extra cycling clothing for both spinning and winter training. In addition, there will probably be an expense for maintaining the bike.

Tour de Paris

The trip to Paris is approx. 1,200 km long and run over seven stages. However, some teams run a prologue the day before the actual start, so these teams actually run for eight days. The shortest stage is around 100 km, while the longest is around 200 km. The length of the trip depends on which way the individual team goes.

The trip to Paris is not a timed bike race, but an exercise bike ride where everyone must be able to participate. The teams usually drive at an average speed of around 25-27 km/h.

For practical and safety reasons, the teams drive separately all the way to Paris. However, some teams will start in the same city and more or less follow the same routes. On the seventh and final stage, the teams meet, where the trip ends with a party for riders and service crew from all countries.

If you have any other questions, you are always welcome to contact us. Send an email to, or write to us on Facebook.

The new financing model for Team Rynkeby

Even though the participants at Team Rynkeby are volunteers and cover the costs of their own participation in the project, there are still costs associated with running a large, international charity project like Team Rynkeby – even more than Eckes-Granini can justify spending alone. For this reason, Team Rynkeby Fonden has entered into agreements with all the organisations that receive money from Team Rynkeby, allowing Team Rynkeby to spend up to 12 per cent of the collected funds for developing and running the project. However, in 2023, the cost percentage that the organisations paid was as low as 4.4 per cent of the collected amount. 

Team Rynkeby Fonden found that the participants had a hard time explaining how the financing of the project's central costs were distributed between Eckes-Granini and the organisations. In part, this was because, in several countries, the money was divided between two or more organisations, and in some places the distribution of money between the organisations was also different. At the same time, Team Rynkeby's expense budget differs form year to year, which changes the need for co-financing from the organisations every year. Therefore, it was necessary to have a simpler financing model, which is easy to explain to the volunteers and which also reflects the complexity of the project. For this reason, upon commencement of the recently completed season, Team Rynkeby Fonden's board decided to change the financing model to allow Team Rynkeby to use up to 12 per cent of the collected funds to develop and run the Team Rynkeby project, for the benefit of the organisations. However, in 2023, the cost percentage was as low as 4.4 per cent.

Team Rynkeby Fonden has gone from being a small local exercise biking team to being an international charity project. Running and developing such a project, with thousands of participants and sponsors, requires a lot of funding – even more than Eckes-Granini can finance alone. For this reason, Team Rynkeby Fonden's board has entered into agreements with the organisations that receive money that they should help finance the project. The money is deducted from the collected amount before it is transferred to the organisations. This ensures maximum openness concerning the cost percentage.